sweet potato mushroom ravioli

i cant remember the pasta recipe but it is basically just flour and water and salt i think rolled really thin

filling is garlic, sweet potato, mushrooms, parsley, onion, salt, all mashed up

with a sauce of rocket, basil, almonds, cashews, garlic, salt blended together.

this is pretty much the best thing we’ve made.

Mikko the witch cooks banana, crocodile and “nothing”

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Jyri cooking a stapled pea cover plate

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Breakfast mandala

Note: that finnish rye bread is a delight and the tomato is from an artwork that is grown in the back of the art museum and the dog is made out of shells.

Kumera lemony datey Tagine

    • 1 onion, finely chopped, 3 or 4 small carrots, chopped,1 sweet potato, peeled and chopped
    • Smallish handful of dates, chopped, Juice of 1 lemon and pinch of rind
    • 1 tin chick peas.1 can tomatos
    • chilli +pepper+salt to taste
    • Gently fry the onion on a low heat in as little oil as possible in a large pan with the lid on for about 10 mins.2. Meanwhile gently simmer dates and lemon rind in a little water for 10 mins. Add to onions, along with carrots, sweet potato, chick peas and tomatoes.

      3. Simmer for about 20 mins. Season with lemon juice chilli, pepper and soy sauce.

      Serve with  couscous.

    • SO NICE, taken from Ronny/Karma C. Hyrax on vegan-food.net

tofu scrambled breakfast burrito

Filled with mushies, capsicum, corn, onion, tumeric, garlic

Just squash the tofu with a fork dummy! For your health!

Nice with a finnish coffee. xx

sweet and sour ´chicken`

MMMmm surburban chinese with that shiney gloss!

In finland they have great dried cheap chicken tvp style.

Basically, one chopped onion, 4 cloves garlic, fried

Add the chicken, a chopped capscuim, half a can of tinned pineapple, a carrot.

Mix the pineapple juice with two teapsoons of corn flour and pour on.

Add two teaspoons of tom paste and (I didn´t want to but it makes it taste so authentico) a squirt or two of ketchup!

Salt, maybe chilli, paprika, sugar to taste.


vegan vomit episode 4

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more about "vegan vomit episode 4", posted with vodpod

cookin with fred

thanks fred! incredible video response straight edge omlettes heavy metal eggs etc

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more about "cookin with fred", posted with vodpod

sweet potato chicken schnitzel